Developing (v7+)

Can't log in with Internet Explorer

Hi, I moved one of my sites to a different server. (I have two managed servers.) Now, I can't log in with Internet Explorer (7 and 8). If I try to log in, I get redirected to the home page but the admin bar doesn't appear. With Firefox, Chrome a…

Profile not loading theme nor editing bar

Hi, first of all: Loving Concrete5! Already use it for 3 sites (might be more soon) Recently I encountered a problem and it's really confusing. On my most recent site: Base93, public profiles are enabled and I applied a code (don't remember where) to…

PDfs show up as link

Hi All, I've added pdf files via the content manager into pages of the site. They show up as links. Is there anyway to have them show as opened pages? Thanks

Html in content manager disappears

Hi there, Can anyone tell me why, when using the content editor, and adding html after clciking the add button everything shows up as expected. If you publish the edits you loose the content. Go back to editor and there it sits. ANyone have any ideas? …

Ecommerce - Edit Order

Is there a way to edit an order with the e-commerce extension? Obviously with physical products there is ongoing requirements to edit orders before shipping - can this be done? Would love to use C5, but without this functionality.... Thanks muchly, Max

Concrete5 content block with html5 elements

Curious does concrete5 remove html5 elements that are used within the content block? Keep adding an article element and it gets removed everytime I save, I change it to a div and it works?

Search Block shows ........

It seems as though the default search block shows "........" randomly throughout the description's on the search block. Is there a way to fix this?

Expire Page and autonav link

Is it currently possible to set an expire date for a page and have it's link removed from autonav? Is this a custome template issue as discussed here (…

Repeatable 3 columns divs

I have hard coded into a template a three column layout. Which is made up from a number if divs. I want this three column layout to be repeatable within the page. How can this be done? Would I need to build a block to make this layout repeatable?

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