Developing (v7+)

Area in header file

Hello C5 community, I've been working on my first Concrete5 site for a while now and have run into the following problem: I want to add a new area inside the header file, but it only seems to accept GlobalAreas. The following code doesn't work: …

Check if File:getById is empty

Hey In my block I update a PDF and want to show it in frontend. In view.php I´m getting the file path by $file = File::getById($content). How is it possible to check if the file is not available?

Adding a new dashboard page via a package in 5.7.1

Hi everyone, I'm new to Concrete5 and relatively new to php also. I'm trying to create a package containing a form (in a block) and a dashboard page to display the results of that form. The form allows users to submit feedback on my website, so …

Form Save Problems with Firefox

When I try to go into a Form block and make a change to the send to email option when I click the Save button and nothing happens. I can cancle back out but not Save. I can also create a new form with the corrections and it saves fine, but I cannot ed…

No auto.css?

Hello, today I really tried to find if there is a way to add auto.css when adding or editing block, only one solution was this: [code]$this->addHeaderItem($html->css("auto.js"));[/code] But the problem is that this function tries to find auto.css …

javascript:avoid(0) in autonav

Hi folks, i'm building this site with bootstrap theme. And I just added autonav block for it. Everythin is working ok but somehow my 1st level menu links with 2nd level under them do not work at all. I just got javascript:avoid(0) in browser. Menu lin…

New blank page opening when closing lightbox

Hopefully there is a quick fix for this. I have a gallery with a lightbox installed and when you close the enlarged image of the lightbox it opens up a new tab with a blank page instead of just closing and being in the page where the gallery is. I have as…

My c5 site is like having 2 diferent sites. How can I fix this?

If I open up my web site in my browser, like "", all internal navagation links include my domain name without the "www." prepended to it. If I request my web site with the "www.", all the navigation links use the full "". …

Edit Bar / Navbar showing up for guests on page admin is editing

Many times when I open a page for editing, and a guest is viewing or visiting that same page at the same time I'm editing it, they will see the edit bar (nav bar) at the top (my co-workers have reported this while I was working on updating pages). Granted…

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