Installation Help

upgrade to 5.6 from 5.4 Problems with page list templates

Today I upgraded to the latest version. My old templates went away. I found them but they no longer work. Help with this please. I searched and found problems with templates but no solutions. Why can't my templates stay where they were and keep working. e…

Problem with upgrade, my bad solution and now no site

I was upgrading to from and after backing up and downloading the new code, it would not show me the update button so I downloaded again and it said I already had that folder... so I looked and there were in fact two. So I deleted one... an…

Removed duplicate upgrade directory and now no site

OK, right up front... not very smart on my part not to ask how to upgrade when the upgrade from to did not work as expected. It said something like I already had that directory (for the new upgrade) so I used Filezilla, looked and yes, the…

updating concrete5 gives the following error

Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy in /customers/8/b/2/ on line 6 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output starte…


please delete

Online Form Not Working

I recently moved our website over to media temple for web hosting services. All is working well with the exception of the online forms, they are no longer notifying me that there has been a submission. The information is being captured and I can see it …

configuring concrete file without the gui wizzard

I am trying to deploy concrete5 on appfog a PAAS. But I cannot configure the database from the GUI. I have an environment variable that has the database details. I think I can enter the details in config/site.php but then it also has the password salt. So…

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