
Auto Nav styling

Hello again! I am searching for solution about my problem: I am using Auto Nav in my theme (I am converting HTML layout into C5 theme). The navigation has a similar tree: ... This is a menu with submenu one level depth. So I want…

Adding class to Auto Nav

Hello again! I am searching for solution about my problem: I am using Auto Nav in my theme (I am converting HTML layout into C5 theme). The navigation has a similar tree: ... This is …

Foundation Theme Edit Issue

Applied the Foundation theme to an existing website and could not edit any pages that we already started. New pages worked fine. The pages would go into edit mode but nothing happened when I tried to edit any block. What am I missing? Any help would b…

C5 Snippets for Sublime Text 2?

I use sublime text 2 as web editor, Wondering if there are snippets on C5 most used or must used codes i.e. [code] [/code] or... [code][/code]

Concrete5 Codes gudies

I am new to C5, wanting to understand function of these codes for example... To start with this I suppose there are code guidelines somewhere so I can understand where to implement C5 Theme codes when building theme. Links or source would be ni…

Change whole theme color/patterns in one click - how to achieve this ?

Hi! I am trying to find a way to change the whole theme color in once click. The ideal way would be to have i.e. few options in dashboard (blue, red, grey, green) and by clicking one I would change several css styles like. Background color, some backgrou…

HELP. site so slow

Hello!! My site: is so slow :-/ what can i do? :( I need help pls greets, Sandra

Using Slate Theme - Side main Side Design

Is it possible to have a Side Main Side Design but as a Home type? Anytime I click Home type, I get a 3 over 1. But would really like a Side Main Side for the Home type. The question stems from when I select the Home type, the 'Home' site name goes a…

Clearview Theme

Sorry - I am just not getting this To create the main title, add a Content block to the 'Feature' area, insert text and make it an H1 by selecting 'h1' or 'heading 1' from the format drop down. Where do I find the 'Feature' area???? Thanks Nei…

Theme not working?

Hi, apologies - I'm learning as I go here... I can't even get a basic theme to apply anymore? Can anyone help me out with where I've messed it up?

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