Editing (v7+)

Themes and Plugins

I am new to Concrete5, and was looking over the themes. My main interest is to have a website to display a number of articles, most of which are about 5ive pages long. Since I am dealing heavily with text, the ease of editing is important; Is WYSIWYG e…

TinyMCE Multiple classes to an element?

I have a need to be able to add two classes to an tag in the editor. I know I can view it in HTML and add it myself, but want an easy way for the client to do it. I have various styles (eg: .img-right, .img-left) set up in typography.css which works b…

Preferred method of outputting strings into forms

Hi Is there a preferred method od outputting strings into forms? I have found the text helper none of its functions will stop something like this breaking a form's output [code] "alert("a") [/code] It strips the tags, but leaves in the first…

When in Page Edit Mode Hover Shadow over block has moved.

When in Page Edit Mode Hover Shadow over block has moved. down about 40px. I can still manage to work with this but can be a pain at times. Please see attached photo to see for your own eyes. Just a side point if anyone happens to know, is there a way…

Please Help - Access denied on "Add Access Entity"

We are launching a website tomorrow, and my "Publisher" is getting "Access Denied" message when trying to schedule guest access or any access by going to Permissions > Assign Manually > View > Clicking the clock next to a group > that's when the access de…

Installing Google Font "Comfortaa"

Hi, I'm trying to install a particular font, "Comfortaa", but I'm having trouble with it. It's on Google Fonts. It's also available on Font Squirrel as a .ttf. I followed the directions on Google Fonts, but it's nowhere to be seen on the Content Block.…

Editing an existing concrete5 website

Hi. Im new in the forum and using concrete5. So im working in a corporation and they want to make some changes to the current web site, this web site was builded using concrete5, but the problem is i have a folder with all the stuffs of the site and i w…

Member Friends issue

Hello I don't know whether I'm missing something or is this a bug. But I have faced some problem with member friends section. Let me discuss the scenario. Suppose there are 2 members called XYZ & QWE. XYZ added QWE as a friend. Now I can see QWE in the …

Stack Version

Hi All General question about Stack Versions. I have a test site running with sample content and Greek Yoghurt theme. I found a left side bar stack in the 'Other Stack' area of Stacks and I made a simple change (added 123 to the end of a bi…

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