Editing (v7+)

Editing in Chrome Won't work

Hello! I've been using Concrete5 now for a couple of weeks and I like it. I had no serious problems, except some error with the new 5.4.2 version, so I then downgraded to the version again. Today, when I started editing my page again I foun…

Choose file after file upload broken?

Hi, Since a few weeks I'm working with CC5 and I absolutely love it. Though I found something not working correctly and strangely enough I didn't find anything about it on the forums. So I don't know if it's a bug or if there's something wrong with my …

column alignment problem

I have been doing a slight redesign for my son's school website - www.queeneleanor.org - I now can't get the right hand column to align with the top of the other two columns. I have been trying to resolve this problem for a couple of days without success…

Deleting a block's record upon block deletion

The BlockController's delete() method works when you first add a block in edit mode then delete it before saving any changes. However, if you add a block, publish the page, go back into edit mode then delete the block the record still remains in the bl…

Gap underneath first item in the page list

No idea why.. but there is a huge gap underneath the first item listed in this page list.. Any ideas? http://funoutdoorliving.com/services/room-additions/

RSS not updating

The default RSS block is not updating for the site i'm working on. the feed is from tumblr and posts have been like a week old and its not doing anything.

Style is not working in Content Editor

Hi, When I try to add a style(class) in Content editor, when i click style dropdown button it is disabled. how to enable it & how to select my customized designed styles?

Hide blocks - when add block in "edit page" mode

Hi, Can someone help me with this simple question. I can't find it on this forum. I want to hide the most blocks when a editor add a block to a page in edit mode. Only the "Content" block and one other is enough for my client. See attached file. …

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