
anyway to better control the page listed with auto-nav?

For example, I have an "About Us" Page with some relevant pages under it. In the URL my pages would look nicely like this Now, I want to use auto-nav to list those …

Complicated Member Registration Set up - Is it possible?

Hi. I'm currently developing a website for a client who wants to use C5 as a dating website. She wants members to fill in a long survey before they register. At first we had discussed a basic form which she would then create a member profile manually …

New refund policy

As of yet I don't have an easy way to message all add-on developers, so I'm just putting this post in a few spots for everyone to see.. I just updated our refund policy... same basic stuff, except you've …

Need some votes plz

Hey all, We could use your votes to get added to the bitnami installer: thanks in advance.

concrete5 world tour!!

Okay well world tour might be over shooting until we get some internationalization issues resolved in a way we're really comfortable with.. buuut... We are thinking of putting together a tour of the states and various countries that are down with Engl…

Events & Confrences

Hi I'm new to Concrete5, I'm experienced in other CMS's. I am searching for events or conferences that people from the C5 community will be speaking at. Are there any near Chicago land?

Adding a picture to text (using terminal velocity)

Hi, How could I make the picture be surrounded by text. See the example below: My picture is "above" the text rather than surrounded by it. By the way, I am using terminal velocity as my theme. …

High CPU / Memory usage

So I moved from a shared host to a VPS. VPS has 512m ram, and 1 x 2.0+ GHZ Core... Should be fine for a few Concrete5 sites, right? I check my apache usage, and sometimes the /usr/bin/php /home/xxxxxuserxxxxx/public_html/index.php uses 25% CPU 5% me…

Error Refreshing Schema

Hi, When I go into Sitewide settings > Debug and try and refresh the core database tables and blocks I get the following error: The following errors occurred when attempting to process your request: * No block found with the handle tags found…

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