Developing (v7+)

Background on Content Block not Showing

I'm trying to get a background image on a content block but it doesn't show. Here is my Website home: Here is my Website forum: I'm trying to get home to look like the forum. You will notice th…

Lose styling when attempting to modify a core theme

Hi everyone! I've been using Wordpress for awhile and have built several websites on that platform. I decided to see what all the fuss is about and give Concrete5 a try. I'm attempting to modify the Greek Yogurt theme. I've left the core files untouch…

Is C5 right for my project

Hi one and all. Im a Jnr Web Designer, that is to say, Im a web designer ona very low salary aha. I found out about Concrete 5 via a work mate and it got me really pumped up. Our boss wanted all of the web team to start making wordpress sites, as the…

Can anyone help with member lists?

Hi, I need to create a member directory for my website. Basically I need a member list page which lists all of the members and then a link from the member list to the profile pages of the member selected. I also would like a filter which filters the m…

sooperfish dropdown gone bad

Can anybody take a look at this page: and let me know if you have any idea why the dropdown under >programs drops off the page? I have been at this for a week and can't figure it out! Thanks!

C5 Forums / C5 Wiki? / typo in documentation

on the mail-importers page in the documentation: [code] Loader::library('mail/importer'); MailImporter::add(array('miHandle' => ‚'your_handle'), $pkg);[/code] should be: [code] Loader::library('mail/importer'); MailImporter::add(array('miHandle' …

Page search index showing deleted pages too

Hey there! I have a problem, with page search indexing. I am not using the built-in search block, I written my own code to get data from the pagesearchindex table - ofcourse through the standard C5 interfaces, with some low level adodb stuff. My problem i…

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