Editing (v7+)

Nooby - How to install php include

Hi, I am trying out Concrete5 and would like to include a script on the home page, I need to put some code at the very top of the page, some code in my html page to display the script and some code at the bottom of the home page. I am used to editing a…

Core Commerce - Multi Tax

Hello there, I was wondering if anyone has a solution to this in Core Commerce. In British Columbia Canada, the taxing system just turned back to two taxes (GST and PST). It is utterly ridiculous, because there are rules on what is and isn't charged P…

Listview/Overview Meta Tags

Hi guys, let's say I have a 100-pages Website and I wanna have a quick look on what pages I still have to fill in the Meta-Description, Meta-Keywords and the Meta-Title. Is there a fast way to find this out, better then click on each page and check the…

Change color of Hyperlink

Hi all, I am trying to change the color of the hyperlink that appears on the page, how can I do that? Thanks for your help

Help with my website.

I have been trying on my own for a few weeks to figure out how to make the body of my website transparent. I am new to all of this and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help. I do not have access to the CSS files, another company is hosting …

Block Copy & Paste Error

Every time I try to copy and paste a block I get an error. It worked a couple times at first, but it no longer does. I get an extremely long error, and it looks like it's trying to paste into a different area than I am trying to paste into. I think…

trying to find controller.

Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I am trying to find the controller responsible for publishing content, a page or blog, or anything that renders a change. Basically I want to add a feature where clicking the publish button will create a cache …

Rows in a layout will not delete DAMN THEM

Has anyone else had this issue. I added a layout (4 rows 1 column). I have worked in the content and realise I only need 3 rows and I have a Tabbing plugin that tabs based on the number of rows so I need to delete the unused rows. I can't delete …

Moving Navigation Links

Hello, Can anyone help me with moving navigation links. I am not able to drag and move the links. As described, I am not seeing the line. I logged in as admin. Thanks Madhavi

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