Editing (v7+)

User cannot approve stack

I have a sub-admin user group set up and they can edit stacks and the contents of the stacks. But for some reason the approve button is not present when they make the edits. An admin has to approve the changes. I have looked around for ages in the permiss…

On a PC up to date, on minimac a former version is shown. Why?

I have updated my webpage plenty of times recently over the last few days. I am a concrete beginner, learning fast (i hope) However I found that in both browsers (Firefox and Safari) an old version of the website is displayed even after clearing the cach…

Blocks or properties

I have not used C5 for very long, but I am used to other CMS systems, and currently I am trying to understand how to best do things I am used to while using C5. In short terms, I want to have two sets of permissions (for two user groups). One for admin…

HELP - error mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'fsDisplayOrder' in 'order clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAuthorName FROM Files f INNER JOIN FileVersions fv ON f.fID = fv.fID LEFT JOIN Users u on u.uID = fv.fvAuthorUID left join FileSearchIn

help , for mistake i have delete one file set for one scroll image in home page and i recreated the file set but the error appear mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'fsDisplayOrder' in 'order clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAu…

Page List Error

I am running version When I attempt to add this add-on I am getting the following error message An unexpected error occurred. mysql error: [1048: Column 'includeAllDescendents' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO btPageList (bID,num,order…

File Manager

Hey folks, I am having a hell of a time right now. Any image I upload on the concrete5 file manager shows up as an unknown picture (the white page). Also any pdf i upload and put on the site always says "Error: Sorry, the file that you requested does…

Need help with hardcoded breadcrumbs please!!!

I am using the following code in my page template to hardcode breadcrumbs. [code] [/code] The resulting breadcrumb is this: Home > MediaPress Releases I want it to be this: MediaPress > Press Releases As you can see, it's missing the car…

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